
Showing posts with label Eco Gadgets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eco Gadgets. Show all posts

Thursday 6 September 2007

Globally Aware Mugs

As I sit here writing this I am currently drinking tea from the mug as seen here. "Only boil enough water for the cups you're making!" What a nice idea eh? A mug that actually makes you think during your tea break!

Here's another cool little 'environmentally aware' mug, which shows the effect of polar ice-cap melting when hot liquid is added. Add in the hot water and watch the coast line recede! It may just make you think about how you can lessen your carbon footprint during your working day.

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Sun Jar - Cool Solar Light

The Sun Jar, made by Suck UK can store the Sun's energy during the day and then give it out at night.

Perfect for mood lighting for either your garden or in a room, if placed near the window.

The jar also has an override switch so you can turn off the light, which usually automatically lights up when the jar's sensors detects it is dark out.

I like these Solar Sun Jars, I might dish a few out at Christmas time as they use solar power in an interesting and artistic way.

Each Jar costs £19.95 from the Gadget Shop

You can also get light bricks which have a bulb design, here is a pic of a blue glow brick:

The glow brick is also available from gadget shop, and is priced at £19.95 each.