
Showing posts with label Sun Jar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun Jar. Show all posts

Wednesday 19 December 2007

Sun Jars are Eco Tastic

I bought my Mother a Sun Jar as a birthday gift, I think she liked it! It was strange as it worked streaight out of the box, without any charging at all. I took the photo above with some difficulty as it looked like the camera light kept turning it off!

It works well for a nightlight - I think she will be keeping it in the conservatory to ward off evil spirits too.

I got this from the Gadget Shop for about twenty quid. Unusual and eco-friendly gift! Hopefully the glass is recycled but im not sure if it is or not (probably not).

You can also get the Moon Jar from Firebox which gives out a cool blue light.

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Sun Jar - Cool Solar Light

The Sun Jar, made by Suck UK can store the Sun's energy during the day and then give it out at night.

Perfect for mood lighting for either your garden or in a room, if placed near the window.

The jar also has an override switch so you can turn off the light, which usually automatically lights up when the jar's sensors detects it is dark out.

I like these Solar Sun Jars, I might dish a few out at Christmas time as they use solar power in an interesting and artistic way.

Each Jar costs £19.95 from the Gadget Shop

You can also get light bricks which have a bulb design, here is a pic of a blue glow brick:

The glow brick is also available from gadget shop, and is priced at £19.95 each.