
Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Wayne Hemingway's Large Butt

Would you place a giant bum in your garden?

In all fairness, there usually are large bottoms in many of the UK's gardens already, so im sure one more would not hurt at all. We here at Jolly Green Blogger are all for innovative products which can help the environment, especially when they are as cheeky as this!

These limited Water Butts are a limited edition and are designed by fashion guru Wayne Hemingway and his Wife as part of their new 'Shackup' Brand. They have also designed some sheds, but I don't think they can hope to be as interesting in a design sense as an odd water butt.

I don't think they are to everyone's taste, but to the more eccentric water savers out there these products will not hit a bum note. The Water Buts have a 215 litre capacity, have a tap to drain the fluid and can fit any standard size downpipe.

The product pictured is called the 'bottlebutt', and is available from Evengreener for £99.99. There are 3 colours to choose from: White, Black and Tanned.

Here is the 'Butt being looked at on the 'this morning' program, hosted by another ass, Richard Madeley.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

More Recycling Bins!

I have just found some decent recycling bins on EvenGreener for £24.60 (Was £29, Save 15%). These are perfect for separating your recycling in your kitchen.

There are also some tough recycling bags which are pretty cheap - just £4.50 for 3.

Sun Jars are Eco Tastic

I bought my Mother a Sun Jar as a birthday gift, I think she liked it! It was strange as it worked streaight out of the box, without any charging at all. I took the photo above with some difficulty as it looked like the camera light kept turning it off!

It works well for a nightlight - I think she will be keeping it in the conservatory to ward off evil spirits too.

I got this from the Gadget Shop for about twenty quid. Unusual and eco-friendly gift! Hopefully the glass is recycled but im not sure if it is or not (probably not).

You can also get the Moon Jar from Firebox which gives out a cool blue light.

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Recycled Cufflinks - Circuit Boards

Both stylish and eco friendly fine gentlemans circuit board cufflinks. These appeal to me, being both a nerd and an eco warrior. What better way to recycle old circuit boards than to convert them into a fashion accessory - GENIUS!

The cufflinks come in 4 different colours and are priced at a hefty £18.95 from boysstuff.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Blogger Buzz - Green Blogs

Check out bloggers list of superb green blogs: Enviromental Blog Roundup

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

They did this in aid of blog action day, which took place yesterday. I have been really busy of late but have researched many green products to write about so expect some writings soon!

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Eco Friendly Transport

There are some cool gadgets out which make excellent gifts for the active eco warrior!

Check out the latest products below which are eco friendly and help get you fit and active. A lot more fun than walking too!

1. Magic Wheel – a cool way to get to work!

Magic Wheel - £119

2. RipStik – evolution of the skateboard!

Ripstik - £99.95

3. Trikke 8 – eco friendly transport!

Trikke8 - £199.95

Aye Thankyou!

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Bye Bye to Standby

Some good stats on digital direct's website about the wastage of standby buttons on electronic equipment.

Estimated annual CO2 emissions from devices left on standby:
Stereos - 1,600,000 tonnes
Videos - 960,000 tonnes
TVs - 480,000 tonnes
Consoles - 390,000 tonnes
DVD players - 100,000 tonnes
Set-top boxes - 60,000 tonnes
(Source: Energy Saving Trust)

Turn it off at the wall!

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Globally Aware Mugs

As I sit here writing this I am currently drinking tea from the mug as seen here. "Only boil enough water for the cups you're making!" What a nice idea eh? A mug that actually makes you think during your tea break!

Here's another cool little 'environmentally aware' mug, which shows the effect of polar ice-cap melting when hot liquid is added. Add in the hot water and watch the coast line recede! It may just make you think about how you can lessen your carbon footprint during your working day.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Turn it Off!

If every London household turned their appliances off standby, we could save 465,000 tonnes of CO2 and £115M per year!
-Energy Saving Trust

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Sun Jar - Cool Solar Light

The Sun Jar, made by Suck UK can store the Sun's energy during the day and then give it out at night.

Perfect for mood lighting for either your garden or in a room, if placed near the window.

The jar also has an override switch so you can turn off the light, which usually automatically lights up when the jar's sensors detects it is dark out.

I like these Solar Sun Jars, I might dish a few out at Christmas time as they use solar power in an interesting and artistic way.

Each Jar costs £19.95 from the Gadget Shop

You can also get light bricks which have a bulb design, here is a pic of a blue glow brick:

The glow brick is also available from gadget shop, and is priced at £19.95 each.